
Friday, March 14, 2008

Did you know...Wikipedia's newest articles:

# ...that Chamunda (pictured), a fearsome aspect of the Hindu Divine Mother, was worshipped by ritual human and animal sacrifices along with offerings of wine?
# ...that the 2007 Texas Longhorns football suspensions involved seven players, including one of the highest-ranking recruits for the Texas Longhorns college football team?
# ...that Nazi Germany's animal protection laws were the first in the world to place the wolf under protection?
# ...that after having over 912 million barrels of oil pumped out since the late 19th century, the Coalinga Oil Field, the eighth-largest oil field in California, is close to exhaustion?
# ...that Norwegian Parliament member Kjell Bondevik was the uncle of Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik?
# ...that Mole rats home through their large burrows using the Earth's magnetic field?
# ...that Messina, Italy, known as Messene during the Sicilian Wars, was sacked by the Carthaginians in 397 BC in retaliation for the attack on Motya by Dionysius I of Syracuse?
# ...that Grey's Anatomy writer Gabrielle Stanton appeared as the character "Gabrielle" in the 1998 film Free Enterprise?

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